Angelu Garingo

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HTML | CSS from Scratch

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Trainings and Certifications


Web Programming with Python and Javascript

Pending Course (No Cert Yet)

Skills Gained

Git HTML CSS Javascript React

Python Django Web Scalability

Continuous Integration

Continuous Delivery

Python Django

HTML CSS Javascript React

Web Scalability Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery

This is an online course offered by Harvard University via edX. And... yeah, this pretty much gives you the knowledge for fullstack web development. Sucks that not a lot of companies in the Philippines relies on python for their web. This course is one of my FAVES and I got this course for FREE by applying for EdX's financial aid program. The projects are definitely a head scratcher but once you accomplish them, you'll definitely be more confident with your skills. First project can be accomplished in a day but it gets harder for the next projects. My third project took me 1 week to finish (average of 5 hours a day). This is just the course that I was looking for and most of the project requirements here are portfolio worthy! This is also perfect for students/programmers who haven't programmed in a while and wanted to get back into coding.

Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

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Skills Gained


This course is part 1 out of the 6 course specialization by University of London at Coursera. I got this course for FREE by applying for financial aid but I probably won't enroll if I have to pay for $49.00. I'll just pick a more advanced course. This course was meant for beginners so compared to CS50's project requirements, the requirements here are way easier where you can complete them in under 3 minutes. They also jumped straight to JQuery instead of teaching plain ol Javascript first. Which is not what I was looking for since I wanted to get a hold of vanilla JS first before jumping into it's libraries and frameworks.

Responsive Web Design

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Skills Gained


Responsive Web Design Techniques

This course is part 2 out of the 6 course specialization by University of London at Coursera. I also got this course for FREE via Coursera's financial aid. This course is OK. Most of the responsive web design techniques that I applied on this website portfolio, I learned it here! ...but mostly at CS50's Web Programming. I'll probably give this course a 3.5 out of 5 rating. They could have made their projects a bit harder even if it's made for beginners since it's really where the learning happens.


To be editted.

Basic Elements of Design: Design Principles and Software Overview

Course Certificate

Specialization Certificate

Skills Gained

Color Theory Print Design

Textual Elements Graphic Design
Skills Gained

Color Theory Print Design Textual Elements Graphic Design

This is a very light specialization offered by University of Colorado Boulder via Coursera. I got this specialization for free via coursera's Coursera for Students program.

Graphic Elements of Design: Color Theory and Image Formats

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Skills Gained

Color Theory Print Design

Textual Elements Graphic Design
Skills Gained

Color Theory Print Design Textual Elements Graphic Design

I learned graphic design by jumping straight to adobe programs such as photoshop, illustrator and dreamweaver and just played around with it. After almost 4 years of freelancing as a graphic designer, this is my first time to actually have a legitimate graphic design class.

Textual Elements of Design: Fonts, Typography, and Spacing

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Skills Gained

Color Theory Print Design

Textual Elements Graphic Design
Skills Gained

Color Theory Print Design Textual Elements Graphic Design

I actually took this course cos one time, I applied as a graphic designer to a company and it went horribly wrong! I didn't get to answer basic questions such as -what is kerning, leading lalala.- The interviewer said it was good and all because I'm not from a design background but that is do darn embarassing! Anyway, I've learned a lot of simple stuff here, and I've learned better techniques for optimizing the graphic designs for print and online media.

Print and Digital Elements of Design: Branding and User Experience

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Skills Gained

Color Theory Print Design

Textual Elements Graphic Design
Skills Gained

Color Theory Print Design Textual Elements Graphic Design

This specialization is for beginners (as the title suggests.) I even listen to this sometimes like an audiobook while cooking or gardening since it doesn't require like 100% or your braincells lol. The project requirements to pass this course is perfect for beginners. It's also not easy to pass even though it's a peer graded assignment cos u need 80%.

Introduction to HTML5

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Skills Gained

Web Design Web Accessibility

Skills Gained

Web Design Web Accessibility HTML

I thought I'll get little to no new knowledge in this course... but oh boy i was wrong! This course really showed how to code in the 'right' way both syntax and semantics, so the theory was covered better than in other courses. There are good explanations on how to host your site and this course also gave insights on how to code and use HTML tags for better SEO.

This specialization was offered by University of Michigan via Coursera. I got this specialization for free via coursera's Coursera for Students program.

Introduction to CSS3

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Skills Gained

Web Design Web Development

Style Sheets CSS
Skills Gained

Web Design Web Development Style Sheets CSS

To be editted.

Interactivity with JavaScript

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Skills Gained

Document Object Model (DOM)

Web Development

Skills Gained

Document Object Model (DOM) JavaScript Web Development

To be editted.


To be editted.

Building Web Applications in PHP

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Skills Gained

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)

Skills Gained

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) css HTML

First of all, the instructor for this specialization is really cool and I don't give cool titles to professors a lot, lol. I always stayed away from PHP for the exact reasons he mentioned most people do in the beginning of the course. However, as he also said at the start of his lecture, most companies specially third world countries still uses PHP. You'll have an easier time looking for a job if you have this language in your toolkit. Learning a bit of php is beneficial regardless of whether you make it your primary language or not. To be honest, this is probably the last language on my list of what to learn next but now that I got an overview of how it works, I think I'll dive in and learn more.

This was offered by University of Michigan and I got this specialization for free via Coursera's Coursera for Students program.

Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)

View Certificate

Skills Gained

Phpmyadmin MySQL

Relational Database SQL
Skills Gained

Phpmyadmin MySQL Relational Database SQL

To be editted.


To be editted.

Skills Gained


To be editted.


To be editted.


Front End Developer


HTML CSS Javascript Python Cpp Csharp

Back End Developer

Frameworks | Libraries

Bootstrap React NodeJS Django



SQLite mySQL